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Controlling your personal debt - Money 101, Lesson 9 - Money
Americans are loaded with credit-card debt. The average American household with at least one credit card has nearly $10700 in credit-card debt, according to .

Credit Card Debt Soars as Americans Borrow Like It's 2006 ...
Sep 12, 2011 . Habits are hard to break: Just when you think you're firmly in control, you backslide again. According to, U.S. consumers .

Credit card debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The average U.S. college graduate begins his or her post-college days with more than $2000 in credit card debt. The median credit card debt in America is .

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American Consumer Debt Statistics | Consolidated Credit
If you feel like the only one struggling with debt, you're not alone. See how you stack up in consumer debt versus the average American and learn ways to .

Americans Underestimate Their Credit Card Debt By A Third: Study
Oct 21, 2011 . Americans grew wary of credit-card debt during the recession, a time when no one was eager to try to live beyond their means. But in the past .

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Consumer Debt Statistics in America
Americans carry, on average, $8400 in credit card debt. If one were to make a 2% payment every month at an annual APR of 15%, it would take about 30 years .

Consumers Still Buried In Credit Card Debt - US News and World ...
Mar 12, 2012 . Americans racked up $48 billion dollars in new credit card debt in 2011 according to a recent study.

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Credit Card Nation
Dr. Manning interviewed on CNN's "In The Money," April 22, 2006, regarding the consequences of America's soaring consumer debt levels. Read the transcript.

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How Americans' Love Affair with Debt Has Grown - Daniel Indiviglio ...
Sep 26, 2010 . It's hard to find an all-in number for the debt Americans hold, but the Federal Reserve provides a monthly tally of non-real estate consumer debt.

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New Poll Shows African Americans and Hispanics Particularly ...
Americans of all races recognize that household debt levels are rising and that . A total of 28% of African-American respondents reported personal debt over .

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FRB: G.19 Release-- Consumer Credit -- March 7, 2012
Consumer credit increased at an annual rate of 4-1/4 percent in February. Revolving credit declined at an annual rate of 3-1/4 percent, while nonrevolving credit .

Americans are Clueless About Their Credit Card Debt | Mother Jones
Americans are Clueless About Their Credit Card Debt. —By Kevin Drum. | Thu Oct. 20, 2011 2:58 PM PDT. Tweet. Here's an interesting little chart that requires a .

Carriers We Represent

The Debt Trap - Given a Shovel, Americans Dig Deeper Into Debt ...
Jul 20, 2008 . More and more, Americans can identify with miners of old: in debt to the company store with little chance of paying up. It is not just individuals .

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How to Get Out of Debt With the Get Out of Debt Guy
Free debt help and debt advice on how to get out of debt, getting out of debt . DebtOne Finacial Solutions – Consumer Complaint – 5-3-2012 ? Read More » .

America's Biggest Types of Personal Debt - CNBC
Apr 27, 2009 . In today's economy, massive consumer debt has crippled the personal balance sheets of individuals around the country, making a tough .

Americans' Personal Debt Skyrockets - MainStreet
Sep 28, 2010 . Consumers today have nearly 10 times the amount of personal debt that they had in the 1940s.